Evin in fire

It happened on October 15, 2022

One thing is significant for dictator governments: to look good, justified and reasonable; to the World, they are afraid of losing the system's legitimacy. 

So, whenever they commit a horrible crime, they will do something more horrible to cover up their first crime.

 And about Evin Fries, I should say that; They wanted to do something to mislead public opinion. Therefore, they did other horrible things. They made a fake fire in Evin, which looked like it happened accidentally. Evin prison is a prison on the north side of Tehran. That prison is not usual; we're supposed to keep murderers and criminals far from the people. Most people in that prison are genius; many writers, poets, Bloggers, actors and actresses, lawyers, artists, civil activists, and many genius university students.

 This fire reminds us of the Holocaust disaster. But this time, the tragedy happened in 2022 when there was an internet and all those facilities. It was genocide. People were burning alive.

On the other hand, people outside the prison came to help their fellow citizens. But Khamenei's mercenaries shot at the people with guns, and they close the streets.

That happened on October 15, 2022. As an Iranian woman who is far from what is happening, but her heart is always in her homeland, I couldn't sleep that night.

On the same day, the Metropol building falls off for the second time. This building was in Abadan (a city in the southern part of Iran).

Iran Evin prison fire death toll doubles - BBC News - Bing video

This time ( I mean October 2022) was not Their onliest slaughter. I am 39 years old and have witnessed a lot of genocide from this murder regime.

So people gather in the street and shout at the Islamic Republic regime, "you are the most horrible dictatorship on the road.


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