Day 40
"Chehellom "– October 26, 2022 Number 40 is a kind of miracle. According to the fiction, God created humankind in 40 days, Noah's Flood remained in 40 days, Jesus sat in the desert for the challah, and Buddha sat under the Xirfone tree for 40 days and meditated. Forty-seven days ago, a 22-year-old Kurdish girl came to Tehran, and she got arrested and unfortunately died, and after that, everything turned down. Iranian people were waiting for a spark to bring their anger to the street. CNN :Clashes in Iran as thousands gather at Mahsa Amini’s grave, 40 days after her death "Chehelom"… is Persian for fortieth, it also refers to the 40th day after a person's death in Iran. It is a particularly respected day to gather with family, friends, and even strangers to mourn for the deceased as if they passed away yesterday. Chehelom is the last time before the death anniversary that people join the grief of and support the family of the lost one and pay tribute to the ...