
Showing posts from October, 2022

Day 40

"Chehellom "– October 26, 2022 Number 40 is a kind of miracle. According to the fiction, God created humankind in 40 days, Noah's Flood remained in  40 days, Jesus sat in the desert for the challah, and Buddha sat under the Xirfone tree for 40 days and meditated. Forty-seven days ago, a 22-year-old Kurdish girl came to Tehran, and she got arrested and unfortunately died, and after that, everything turned down. Iranian people were waiting for a spark to bring their anger to the street. CNN :Clashes in Iran as thousands gather at Mahsa Amini’s grave, 40 days after her death "Chehelom"… is Persian for fortieth, it also refers to the 40th day after a person's death in Iran. It is a particularly respected day to gather with family, friends, and even strangers to mourn for the deceased as if they passed away yesterday. Chehelom is the last time before the death anniversary that people join the grief of and support the family of the lost one and pay tribute to the

Day 38 and 39, Toomaj Salehi, Mehrshad Shahidi, Emad Ghavidel

Mehrshad Shahidi The Islamic Republic merceries are still murdering people. If I want to measure their violence and compare their cruelty, I would say maybe the Rwanda genocide or what Hitler and Stalin did. His name is #MehrshadShahidi , a talented chef in Arak, Iran. He was just 19 when he was killed due to multiple baton blows by security forces. He was full of life & believed in “perseverance” to succeed. The killing machine of the regime should stop! #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini — Omid Memarian (@Omid_M) October 28, 2022 Another handsome young guy, Mehrshad Shahidi, is a master chef and a student. He was only 19, killed by the Islamic Republic in Arak (Iran). Toomaj Salehi On November 7, 2022, Toomaj Salehi, an Iranian rapper, was arrested. Still, we have no news from him, and his life is in danger. He was one of the supporters of the current wave of antigovernment protests across Iran.He is so brave. He told the administrator of his pages on Twitter a

Day 31 to 37

Every second of these days was breathtaking. Iran was not the same country that I had seen in 39 years, Iranian got united with each other, and they behaved kindly with each other. They were not only protesting; they were creating their revolution. They made that with their blood. Day 31: They sent a subpoena to him and wanted him to come to court. So, he went. But as always, they told a lie. There was no court. Khamenei's mercenaries arrested him. Still, there is no news from him. His parents are sitting in front of the Evin prison, and he got a heart attack because of the pressure that his son is being tortured. Hossein Ronaghi is doing a hunger strike now as we speak. His life is in danger. On day 32 of the Iranian revolution: Elnaz Rekabi, a champion and rock climber, appeared for her match without wearing a hijab. She returned to Iran but is still under house arrest and far from her family. Her picture of rock climbing without hijab is viral, and we people are proud of her bec

Hey Islamic Republic: We hate you. We disgusted you

So these are just some of the things that we say under our slogans: You killed Neda Aghasoltan.   You killed Pooya Bakhtiari.   You executed Navid Afkari .   You shoot at Shirin Alizadeh in front of her child and her husband.   You killed Satar Beheshti under your horrible tortures. You killed Fereshte Ahmadi and made her little girl an orphan forever.   Look how she grabs the soil, and her tears wet the soil where her mother has buried. You killed Behnam Mahjobi under your torture. You killed Mostafa Naeemavi because he was thirsty.   You shot at many people in Khuzestan (the city in the southern part of Iran) because their guilt was being thirsty.   You arrested Hossein Ronaghi for the third, under 40, but he was in jail for most of his life just because he is a civil activist; he lost his kidney for your torture.   You killed and arrested many people. You torture us with your stupid sexist law, and even if we were lucky to not be arrested, we couldn't be safe because of the law.

The humanity of many celebrities

Once again, as an Iranian, I Thank you so much for being our voice and supporting us. After these deaths and Iranian protesting all over the World, the World heard Iranian voices Lots of celebrities supported the Iranian protest and tried to be their voice: Priyanka Chopra,   Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, Nazanin Bonyadi, Justin Bibber, Bella Hadid, Jessica Chastain, Kim Kardashian, Cold Play, the duchess of Sussex Megan Markle, Jennifer Aniston, Jorge Clone, Shakira and many other names that I as an Iranian, appreciated their concern.   I am so sorry that I didn't write all the names. There was so much, and we are so grateful and tanksful.

Reza Haghighat Nejad

Image Meanwhile, in another part of the World, "Reza Haghighat Nejad," an Iranian journalist, has passed away because of cancer. He died in Germany. He asked his relatives to be burry in his homeland (Iran). So from Germany to Iran, his corpse arrived safely. Still, Iran's Islamic Republic stole his corpse to prevent people from gathering together and burying Reza's body in a very far, unknown place. Everything has threatened the Islamic Republic, and they are scared of people, children, students, and even dead bodies. They are scared of art, culture, love, and any and every voice, and generally, they are afraid of every little thing that people do. And very surprisingly is that they call themself "the power of the region." Now I think everyone knows what a cruel and savage regime we are talking about. 30 days have passed since the people's revolution, and Now I am going t

Evin in fire

It happened on October 15, 2022 One thing is significant for dictator governments: to look good, justified and reasonable; to the World, they are afraid of losing the system's legitimacy.   So, whenever they commit a horrible crime, they will do something more horrible to cover up their first crime.   And about Evin Fries, I should say that; They wanted to do something to mislead public opinion. Therefore, they did other horrible things. They made a fake fire in Evin, which looked like it happened accidentally. Evin prison is a prison on the north side of Tehran. That prison is not usual; we're supposed to keep murderers and criminals far from the people. Most people in that prison are genius; many writers, poets,   Bloggers, actors and actresses, lawyers, artists, civil activists, and many genius university students.   This fire reminds us of the Holocaust disaster. But this time, the tragedy happened in 2022 when there was an internet and all those facilities. It was genocide

Nika Shahkarami

  A 16-year-old Nika Shahkarami , from Tehran. A few hours after these scenes were recorded on September 20, in videos exclusively obtained and verified by CNN, Nika went missing. ​And more than one week later, her family learned that she was dead. ​Iranian authorities claimed Nika’s body was found at the back of a courtyard on the morning of September 21. ​Her mother wasn’t given access to identify her until 8 days later. CCTV footage released by the authorities timestamped just after midnight ​as September 20 ​became September 21 ​showed the figure of a masked person they said was Nika entering an uninhabited building, and still under construction in Tehran.  

Hadis Najafi

Hadis Najafi Iranian government killed Mahsa Amini, and a few days after, Hadis Najafi was killed by the regime; in between these names, there were other young protesters as well, but these names remain because they were symbols. Hadi's onliest guilt (they consider it as guilt) was to shout Mahsa's name. She was a restaurant cashier in Karaj-Iran, and she has just 27 years old.   There was a video of her that she is gathering her hair in the back, it was so inspiring seeing a beautiful young lady getting ready to fight with two empty-handed, and on the other hand, there was that nasty regime who has everything like a baton and guns to attack while Hadis only has her life and her faith to freedom. They shot her 38 bullets. Can you imagine?   Regim was so fed-up and shocked to see how brave ordinary people are and that they stand by each other and not leaving the streets.   This time Basiji and Sepahi came to the streets all over Iran and shout that "we even cut off the head

Ali Daei

Ali Daei, widely considered to be one of Iran's greatest-ever soccer players, has spoken out against the regime in his country and said he won't be attending the World Cup in Qatar as he stands with protesters. The 53-year-old former player and businessman, who is Iran's record goalscorer, issued a statement on his social media pages in which he said that he would be staying at home with his family. He also expressed sympathy for those who have lost loved ones as protests against the regime in Iran continues to intensify. The Islamic Republic seal his gallery and restaurant for being closed due to strikes  

Fatemeh Sepehri

Image Fatemeh Sepehri — the civil rights activist detained in Mashhad on Sunday, August 1, during a peaceful demonstration in support of the people of Khuzestan and against the security situation in Iran — was released six days after her arrest. Security forces in Mashhad have arrested several civil rights activists, including Fatemeh Sepehri, who had staged a peaceful demonstration in Park Melat to support protesters in the southwestern province of Khuzestan and to protest the heightened security climate in the country. The demonstrators were also demanding the release of political prisoners. A telephone conversation with her family a day later, Fatemeh Sepehri reportedly said that the security forces had beaten her and other protesters and used tasers during their arrests. A close relative of Ms. Sepehri, who spoke to Kayhan Life, said that she had undergone surgery recently and needed prescription painkillers, adding that the arrest could be detrimen

Ali Karimi

Image ///                                                       The former footballer Ali Karimi has supported Their people from the first day of their protest till now. He is so much popular in Iran. He is threatened several times by the regime. Khamenei's mercenaries sealed his house and told his family they wanted him killed. They send him many court summons. At last, he had to leave his life and come out of the country like many Iranians you see abroad. He has been invited from Qatar for World Cup, but he rejected the invitation.