
Showing posts from December, 2022


Mohadeseh Mardani Mohadese Mardani was kidnaped by the Islamic Republic security forces from her workplace on Tuesday, November 22, 2022, in Shiravan city, North Khorasan. She id Bojnoord prison right now. She is in a writing group, which a friend of mine is in. Her mother passed away before. She is the guardian of her disabled father. Mohadese has no one; please be a voice for her.


  Mohammad Ahmadvand Shahroudi Dr. Mohammad Ahmadvand Shahroudi is a student at the medical science university in Shiraz. On Friday, the 27, Aban 1401 was arrested by the Khamenei security forces. They arrested his brother as well. His parents are passed away, so he has no one to be his voice. Security forces, with the help of Basiji's office in the university, are making him a heavy fake lie case. His life is in danger.

Vida Movahed - December 27, 2017

Everything started a while before (the Mahsa Amini ) tragedy started; the one who started this new movement was Vida Movahed. Once open a time, there was a City, everyone was doing their work and careless about what was happening around them. Suddenly, A girl keeps questioning herself, "what can she do?" This girl climbed an electronic platform where everyone could see her. She took off her scarf from her head, tied it to a stike like a flag, and spun it in the air. This brave girl, Vida Movahedi, s an Iranian human rights activist, protester, and women's rights activist who is considered the initiator of the Girls of Enghelab movement. On December 27, 2017, on Enghelab Street in Tehran, she symbolically took her white headscarf off to protest against the mandatory hijab in Iran. Subsequently, her picture was published as "The Girl of Enghelab Street." Vida Movahed, known as "the girl of Revolution Street" was just sentenced to one year in prison - You

Day 69 / Nov. 22 / Ghazal Ranjkesh

On November 22, Ghazal Ranjkesh was walking home with her mother in Bandar Abbas-Hozmozgan. Security forces were shot at people, and bullets hit her eyes. She got blind in her left eye.  She stood in front of her mother to protect her from being shoot. After this horrible tragedy happened to her, she wrote a letter on her Instagram account, saying with a kind of pride, "everyone was telling me that my eyes were so beautiful."

Day 66

Dear GOD, I hope you exist, so if you do, I beg you to please keep our children safe. They are in danger when going to school and returning, even with their family. Do you remember Kian? Kian was with his parents! in their car. He was killed in the world united nation day for kids, and he was only 9 It wasn't just Kian 70 kids who were killed in Iran. I am going to write about them in the following individual post.  

Day 65 - Having hope is like gambling

This photo has so many things to tell; Basijis and Sepahies have brook this car's windows (they do such a thing to thousands of cars in Iran), but a bleeding hand comes out of the broken windows and shows the sign of freedom. Even though how impressing this photo is, it has another massage too, and that is: The time of dictatorship is the end, and people are not afraid anymore because they believe in the power of themselves and their souls.  Having hope is like gambling on a facility where an open, faithful heart with all those uncertain things is much better than a closed and impenetrable brain.

Hamidreza Rouhi, Friday, 18 November 2022

  Two days after they killed Kian, another handsome young boy, Hamidreza Rohi, was killed. Hamidreza was born on Farvardin 1382 and killed by the regime in the evening on Friday 27 Aban 1401 in Tehran. #hamidreza_rouhi Hashtag Videos on TikTok The heart of many people breaks again; another young boy, 19 years old… The meaning of the song he used to sing with it is this: The rain comes and, with its power, taught me that you are powerful and strong.   Two days after they killed Kian, another handsome young boy, Hamidreza Rohi, was killed. Hamidreza was born on Farvardin 1382 and killed by the regime in the evening on Friday 27 Aban 1401 in Tehran. #hamidreza_rouhi Hashtag Videos on TikTok The heart of many people breaks again; another young boy, 19 years old… The meaning of the song he used to sing with it is this: The rain comes and, with its power, taught me that you are powerful and strong.  

List of those killed in the recent revolution of Iran in 1401, from Thursday, September 23, 2022, to Sunday, December 18, 2022

List of those killed in the recent revolution of Iran in 1401 or 2022. These people gave their life for me and you and the rest of the world, they gave their life for FREEDOM, and They will be remembered in our heart The list is from Thursday, September 23, 2022, to Tuesday, December 20, 2022: Because of time-saving, I changed the calendar of this text to Hijri Shamsi year, which the Persian calendar is: 506 person has been killed, 68 of them were children (under 18) 1.     Fereydoon Mahmudi was killed on 28 Shahrivar 1401 in Saghez. 2.     Minoo Majidi was killed on 30 Shahrivar1401 in Kermanshah. 3.     Mohammad Amini was killed in 16 Mehr 1401 in Sanandaj. 4.     Artin Moridi, 22 years old, was killed in 17 Mehr 1401 in javanrood. 5.     Mohammad Javad Zahedi, 16 years old, was killed in 39 Shahrivar 1401 in Sari. They shot this kid 95 bullets in his back. 6.     Seyed Ahmad Shokrolahi, 24 y, was killed at 16 Mehr1401 in Kord abad 7.     Esmaeel Dazvar